Balenciaga Kristen Stewart, the image of the new fragrance
After success in the world of cinema, is now released to the pool to pay her face in one of the most prestigious in the world. Balenciaga Kristen Stewart has used to provide its hallmark in a fragrance so different as she is. already unveiled the name and about the new Balenciaga fagancia. This week they presented Florabotanica and the actress herself has accompanied the creative director Nicolas Ghesquière the French brand in the event. Dressed up and down the firm that will represent your image, Kristen Stewart has moved to the luxurious hotel suite Le Bristol in Paris to talk about this new fragrance: "Basically the reason I want to use a perfume is because you want a sexy scent," said Kristen Stewart

This is a fresh scent that brings dyes sweet and attractive. But Kristen admits that as a teenager did not like using perfumes: "I never picked up the scent of my mother to try to be sexy", revealed the actress. In fact, I was not sure it was adopting the essence of the fragrance: " I'm lucky because I like the scent as well not have done anything without the help of Nicolas Ghesquière. " Kristen was relieved the first time I smelled Florabotanica, that is "a liar terrible" because it does not hide his reaction would have known, but fortunately did not have to pretend anything.
Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart and robert pattinson |
"Perfume is very cool. I think that takes a young person, considering I've never used perfume, and the reaction it inspires is like," Look at me, "Kristen described their impressions of the essence of perfume. Florabotanica is the second fragrance launched the firm's head Ghesquière: "When I thought of the fragrance, I thought Kristen would be the perfect image and perfect personality to represent", said the creative director of the firm. Now you just have to wait to see the ad campaign featuring the amazing Kristen Stewart.
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